I apologize that I haven't been able to write lately. Unfortunately, not having internet at my fingertips can hinder me being as faithful as I would like. Just this past week we have just seen 2 tropical storms go through, and its not looking pretty. Many of my friends and family have flooding. Lucky, where I am, I do not have flood damage, although the major routes that I need to be able to get to my parents house are all shut down :(.

Its depressing to see what the destruction can be, and to know it could be worse...please keep us in your thoughts while we face the clean up ahead of us...
In other thoughts, I have finally finished one of my socks :) it has only taken me 9 months, but it is done. I am now in need of a model to wear it, since it is made for a woman with smaller feet. I am currently working on the second one, and hopefully will have that done by Ice dragon. The pattern says it is a 19th century Norwegian sock pattern, but I am going to try to trace the style and design back to the 16th century. When you look at many Scandinavian cultures, they have similar designs in our time period. My goal is to eventually write a paper on the history of Knitting, and also break it down to the major regions and their styles.
I have many other projects that I am working on, and with this being a weekend in Williamsport, I am volunteering my services for clean up duty and also a weekend of getting some work caught up. Lets see what I can do, and what I get accomplished. Over the next few days, I am going to several doctors appointments, and I have a job interview. Hopefully I'll have good news when I can write again :)...