Well, today is a big day. Today is my 25th birthday. I wasn't originally going to post on this, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought about it, I figured why not. For some reason, this birthday has bothered me more then the others. I"m assuming its because I've left the "college kid" zone. I've been working at the nursing home for a little over a year, I've graduated from college almost a year and a half ago, and Jehan and I are planning both of our weddings. Its a lot going on. I will say the best part of this day is the simple thought that its also Fat Tuesday. This is one of my favorite days of the year, simply due to my love of Fasnachts. They are a German Doughnut traditionally made from potatoes, and instead of frying them in vegetable oil, or sunflower seed oil, you bake them in lard. Yes its incredibly horrible for you, but one never hurt anything.
In other news, I have made a lot of progress on my Pennsic wedding dresss. Maria and I have finished the hoopskirt, I just have to add the bum roll, I have my pearls and garnets for my jewelry, complete the underskirt and we are working on my corset. The next item on the list is finishing my corset, and starting the Chemise. At that point my undergarments will be finished, and I can work on the rest of the dress. Hopefully when I come to my parents house in the next few weeks, I can post pictures of the progress. Till then
Wishing everyone a fun Mardi Gras, and Valentines day!