Well, Pennsic has come and left us. I am sad this year that it is over with. I had a pretty relaxing time just doing 1 week this year, and got a nice sun tan in the process.
We had a lovely wedding at Pennsic...approximately 20 people we in attendance. I was brought before Jehan through a sword arch, which consisted of members of our fencing community. Count Andreas was the head of the ceremony which made us both very happy. Andreas and his wife, Kallista, presented me with my AoA at their coronation, so they both will always have a special place in my heart. This is the dress that Mistress Maria and I have been working so hard on finishing for the day. I wanted to get a deep red snood done for the ceremony which didn't happen (its currently sitting on my lap), so I just used my black. I am planning on wearing this dress at our Shires 25th anniversary in March, with the completed hood, and the dress being completely done.

After the ceremony, Jehan and I entertained our guests with our first dance, and as you can tell it is definitly not the typical style. Jehan and I wanted something unique, and that is what we received. After our first dance, we were joined by several others in bouts with the bride and groom. I must say as fun as it was, it was sure interesting fighting in that dress. I don't recommend it, but I enjoyed myself that day. Over all, my pennsic was enjoyable. I didn't attend any classes, and I did quite a bit of Marshaling (with actual marshals) during the week. I also worked in Mistress Maria's shop a little bit, and relaxed. Now its time to work on the future...future classes, future dresses, and just to the future
~Lady Antoinette deLorraine