Well, I have to admit a lot has happened since I last posted. Jehan and I bought a house! We've been here for a little over a month, and it has kept us extremely busy. On top of that we have been desperately trying to get things in order for the baby's arrival....just 16 days and counting! It's been tough organizing, unpacking, cleaning, and working full time. While I did assist with the Lewisburg Arts festival and am continuing with my seneshal duties, I haven't done too much in the crafting world. There will be time for that later, and right now it's resting and nesting time. The nice thing is jehan bought me a new iPhone so now we have internet (well, kind of). It's not the same as a computer, but it works just as well. I wish I had more to report on, but that's all for now!
Loves to all,