Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kingdom 12th Night

Washington Lodge #265 Caldwell Consistory Cathedral, 150 Market Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. Site opens at 10am.  The gate will close at 2pm.  The event ends and the site closes at 10pm

Come One Come All to the Celebration of Saturnalia with our Most August Imperiatori, Tindal and Etain, featuring the renown competition for Sylvan Bard of AEthelmearc.

Keep your strength up for reveling by partaking of the splendid lunch presented by Baron Janos Mezzaros, and after a day full of activities, you may choose to sit Above the Salt or Below the Salt for a Saturnalia Feast also created by Janos and his Company of Cooks.

You may choose your entertainment throughout the day: dancing (Instruction during the day and dance in the evening), an arts contest with roots going back to the the days of Cicero (more info to come), games of chance (including a Kingdom fundraiser) and games of skill.

Come in your most brilliantly-hued haute couture. As did our ancestors, we too will revel in the Roman fashion.  There will be a Kings Choice and Queens Choice for best dressed in Saternalia sartorial splendor. And  as the Sun turns, so too shall our social order, and as befits our celebration, our Lord and Lady of Misrule too shall make their choices known.

Merchants are welcome.  In lieu of a merchant fee, we are asking for donations for the fundraiser. Due to limited space, you must reserve ahead of time. Please contact our Merchant Liaison Baroness Rosemund von Glinde (Wendy Hart, baronessrosemund725@yahoo.com, 716-949-4984

Other activities and information will be forthcoming on the web and on the Kingdom and Twelfth Night Facebook pages as well as here in the AEstel.

Autocrats for your event are Lady Antoinette de Lorraine (Ashley Green, antoinettedelorraine@gmail.com, 570-317-4575 - before 7pm)  and Mistress cori (Clare Jackson, thecoribird@gmail.com, 716-517-8570 TEXT is best). 

Please send reservations to Edith of Winterton (Caroline Elliott, 38 Chateau Terrace, Amherst, NY 14226, edithofwinterton@gmail.com, 716-574-1354).  Please include an email with your reservation for followup.  Please include any food allergies when you make your reservation.

The cost for this wondrous affair is:
SITE FEE (includes lunch):
          Adult: $14.00          
          Minor age 13-17: $7.00  
          Minor age 0-12: Free 
Family Cap SITE FEE ONLY: $35.00 

BELOW THE SALT (Site Fee + Below the Salt dinner)
          Adult: $22.00
          Minor age 13-17: $15.00
          Minor age 0-12: $8.00

ABOVE THE SALT (Site Fee + Above the Salt dinner):
          Adult: $27.00
          Minor age 13-17: $20.00
          Minor age 0-12: $13.00

For Children age 0-12 there will be an alternate Children's Feast available at a children's table in the feast hall for $3.00.  
For those whose minor children do not eat event dinners at all, parents may reserve for them with site fee only. We will have a table in the feast hall for kids who are not partaking any feast whose parents are, so that the kids may still be in line of sight without taking a feast seat.

Off board tables will be available for people who wish to stay at the event and bring their own feast. 
Please make your checks payable to: SCA PA, Inc.- Kingdom of AEthelmearc.  A $5.00 non-member surcharge will be collected at the door from all non-member adults.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Currently, Jehan and I are headed back from Coronation in New York. It was a lot of fun, but very cold (Jehan and I tent camped the event). I was very proud of myself for finishing a women's doublet where I was able to get some advice on how to refit it. I'll post pictures of that project later. 
I'm preparing for FF&F for a new class I'm teaching; the topic is what can I make out of a yard of fabric. So far, I have 2 hats made, a Viking and an Elizabethan coif. When j get everything put together my plan is to put the class up here. 

Viking cap

Elizabethan coif 

Lake at Coronation 

I've teamed up with Mistress Cori to work on Kingdom 12th night, which we worked on this weekend, which I am very excited about. Projects are running around and I'm getting things accomplished in a manner that I am happy about
Till later!