Well, it is War Practice weekend here in AEthelmearc. Unfortunately, I
was stupid and didn't ask off for the right date at work. On the
positive side, I was able to have a "girls night out" weekend with our
friend Jinx, so we went to a show Friday, I helped her organize her
house Saturday, and today I am cleaning my house. I know I won't get a
lot of sewing done like I wanted, but when its hard to walk through your
house, the artistic process gets blocked. The closest thing to sewing I
am doing, is sewing a curtain onto a un-removeable rod so no one can
see into our bedroom from the living room. I will also cut out a bunch
of cardboard for my scroll cases which will free up a lot of room in the
living room for more work. So much to do, so little time!
I have also made the decision to create a green fencing dress for myself
and a red and green fencing doublet for Jehan. I think I will hand sew
it, just so I can see how it looks with a basting stitch, then see if
someone will allow me to use their machine for the final sewing. right
now it is just scroll cases, but I will work on those and have them
finished hopefully for Pennsic at the end of Juily. I also have to get a
red fencing tabbord done too, but if I must, I will alter a red surcoat
for the day. sometimes when the money isn't there, you gotta be
~better get back to work, since the house won't clean itself!
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