Well, I gotta say a lot has happened. All of my scrolls have been handed out, so that is done. Hoping to work on another scroll soon. All of my scrolls were handed out at the Barony of Endless Hills Investiture. Jehan and I also received our rain drops form the barony for all of our help...it always feels good to be noticed :)
We also had the shires event of F. This was my first time teaching knitting, and I had 2 people in my class. It was a great learning experience and I'm planning on teaching some more next year. I was able to finish my dress and Jehan's doublet for the event of F also. I learned the proper
Speaking of the shire, we held our elections 2 sundays ago, and I was nominated to be the next Seneshal, who is the legal representative of the group. This will definitaly be an experience that I am looking forward to.
Now its time to get serious about Ice dragon. I will be entering Jehan's doublet and an embroidery piece in March. I will have to do the documentation over the next winter months, which will give me something to do when its cold and snowing. Until later, here's to the future
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