Our dear Shire of ACG held its 25th anniversary event on March 1st, where Jehan was the autocrat. It was quite the experience for us both, and we learned alot. While there, I was suprized and awarded my Golden Alce, a fighting award in the Kingdom of AEthelmearc. My dear friends Don Po and Lady Christina created the scroll for me. I love the fact that she added the lamb, since my device is a vegetable lamb. It made the day extra special and I will cherish this forever.
Sadly, I have not really gotten too much SCA work done, but packing and cleaning has been going slow. Probablly will not be doing too much crafting until after the move, but I am quite ready to start nesting before this baby comes. So if my creativity has to be put on hold, so be it.
Hopefully I can keep updating with good (and crafty news) soon,
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