This year Jehan went to Pennsic by himself....I didn't feel ready to leave our son for that long, so I opted for a stay-cation, and was able to accomplish a lot actually.Levi and I relaxed a bit, I was able to perform some brides-maid duties on monday, and things around the house other parts of the week. I have always wanted a porch I could sit on and drink my tea and just watch the clouds go by. While this house doesn't have a huge porch, its big enough for me to sit, and Levi to play at his water table. I planted fake flowers in a metal chicken frame with the next goal of a table being made to place over it.
start of dream porch |
Since Jehan went to Pennsic, my special prize is two new dresses, since I havn't really any winter garb, and I havn't had new pieces added since about 2011. My hope is to have a gothic fitted dress made, and I'm not sure what the second style dress will be. While it is an earlier time period then my preference, I would like to learn construction of all types of garments, and I believe to learn 16th cent. construction I have to start earlier. Also, its nice to have a variety of choices. To help me in this quest, my mother and I emptied out one of our storage bedrooms, tore out the carpet, and I am now waiting for the ability to buy a table and fabric before I start on a new project. I am so excited and hope to have at least one dress done for our friends wedding and FF&F. I will more then likely make it out of linen (underdress) and wool (over dress) to stay warm, since I always freeze in the late fall/early spring. I will have to make some nice summer dresses, but I'll save that for later.
start of sewing room |
I also decided to try my hand at freezing vegetables this year. I've never done it before, and since we have a chest freezer, I might as well use it! so I spent a day doing just that. It took more time then I realized, but it was fun to do, and I'll continue doing it as I have the time. while we have pre-frozen vegetables in the store, there is nothing quite like pulling out veggies that you know were done with no additive and were bought at a farmers market, supporting local farmer. Hopefully I didnt mess up too bad...we will just have to find out this winter!
I still have some outstanding scrolls that I'm waiting to have handed out before I can post them, and I have another 2 that are started, but I can't work on since my mom has been staying in our dining room, which is where my art desk currently is located. I'm hoping to move that upstairs eventually, but for now, I'll just wait. I'm working on red and white lucet, and will have a second suprise project to work on after that. I am also hoping to work on a 16th cent coif pattern soon and maybe be able to hem a veil for my friends wedding. You never know!Sadly I believe my computer has a virus, so I'm hoping it will hold on for some time. Posting is already hard to do, with the little time I have to accomplish things anymore. sadly, all things must
natures bounty |
come to an end at some time in their life I guess.
It has had a hard life, and continues to be used very hard.
Here's to more work and hopfully more fun!
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