Well, we have been busy as usual since our October adventure to New York. I'm still working with Maria on dresses, although the new Tudor dress we started we are postponing. The shire has had another successful FFF&F and Their Royal Majesties have a new Queen's Rapier Champion- Our dear friend THL Orlando. This year seems to be wrapping up so pleasantly. I have also been re-elected for the Seneschal position for another 2 years, so hopefully I can keep the ball rolling the way I am now.
Jehan and I have the joyous news to share with everyone...we are expecting our first child at the end of June. So not only are we going to be busy with our SCA positions, but we will have a wee one of our own to take care of. Hopefully I can share some baby clothing patterns with everyone, once we have the baby. Sadly, that is really it for now. I haven't been feeling up to doing too much work, due to being tired all the time, but I have continued to work on Kumihimo. I am also not allowed to fence, so I have been doing a lot more teaching. Hopefully I can post some picture updates from some back scrolls that I have been working on, as well as my side projects.
Till then, don't stress with the holidays!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
A day of Vivats!
Well, this has been a busy few weeks for Jehan and I, but this weekend was of special note. His brother, Jeff, married his belovied Kim, in New York this past weekend, and we were in attendance for the event.
a few miles down the road (literally), Crown tournament was proceeding to find the Heirs of AEthelmearc...Vivats to Prince Tindal and Princess Etain!
a few miles down the road (literally), Crown tournament was proceeding to find the Heirs of AEthelmearc...Vivats to Prince Tindal and Princess Etain!
Vivats and Congrats to All!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Never stopping, never ending...
After Pennsic, I realized how many projects I have started and not anywhere close to finishing. So to save my sanity, and my space, I'm cleaning my house, organizing art supplies and FINISHING projects that I randomly have started. So far, I have 1)scroll for largess 2) red beaded snood 3)embroidered panels to make into silent auction pin pillows 3)green cotton garters 4)black fingerless gloves for Lady Rowan 5)beard hat for my friend Salt. If I finish these projects before the new year, I will be very happy. I think next year I'm going to put myself on a scheduled plan and that is all I can work on. Unfortunately I am very scattered brained, and I love shiny new ideas. When one pops in my head I end up starting and not finishing...which is NOT a good thing.
In other news, my landlord has decided to sell my apartment. While that means that we will eventually have new building owners, we will not have to find a new place to live until at least March. With that in mind, I'm going to have to work really hard to make sure these projects are finished so they can have new homes so I don't have to transport them to a new home if it comes to that. Still can't wait until Jehan and I can own our own place and I can allow the creative muses to flow....
until then,
In other news, my landlord has decided to sell my apartment. While that means that we will eventually have new building owners, we will not have to find a new place to live until at least March. With that in mind, I'm going to have to work really hard to make sure these projects are finished so they can have new homes so I don't have to transport them to a new home if it comes to that. Still can't wait until Jehan and I can own our own place and I can allow the creative muses to flow....
until then,
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
And I have video evidence...
Well, here is the video most people have been waiting for...our wedding video. At about the 12 min mark, our fencing match starts
hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Here comes the bride...part 2
Well, Pennsic has come and left us. I am sad this year that it is over with. I had a pretty relaxing time just doing 1 week this year, and got a nice sun tan in the process.
We had a lovely wedding at Pennsic...approximately 20 people we in attendance. I was brought before Jehan through a sword arch, which consisted of members of our fencing community. Count Andreas was the head of the ceremony which made us both very happy. Andreas and his wife, Kallista, presented me with my AoA at their coronation, so they both will always have a special place in my heart. This is the dress that Mistress Maria and I have been working so hard on finishing for the day. I wanted to get a deep red snood done for the ceremony which didn't happen (its currently sitting on my lap), so I just used my black. I am planning on wearing this dress at our Shires 25th anniversary in March, with the completed hood, and the dress being completely done.

After the ceremony, Jehan and I entertained our guests with our first dance, and as you can tell it is definitly not the typical style. Jehan and I wanted something unique, and that is what we received. After our first dance, we were joined by several others in bouts with the bride and groom. I must say as fun as it was, it was sure interesting fighting in that dress. I don't recommend it, but I enjoyed myself that day. Over all, my pennsic was enjoyable. I didn't attend any classes, and I did quite a bit of Marshaling (with actual marshals) during the week. I also worked in Mistress Maria's shop a little bit, and relaxed. Now its time to work on the future...future classes, future dresses, and just to the future
~Lady Antoinette deLorraine
We had a lovely wedding at Pennsic...approximately 20 people we in attendance. I was brought before Jehan through a sword arch, which consisted of members of our fencing community. Count Andreas was the head of the ceremony which made us both very happy. Andreas and his wife, Kallista, presented me with my AoA at their coronation, so they both will always have a special place in my heart. This is the dress that Mistress Maria and I have been working so hard on finishing for the day. I wanted to get a deep red snood done for the ceremony which didn't happen (its currently sitting on my lap), so I just used my black. I am planning on wearing this dress at our Shires 25th anniversary in March, with the completed hood, and the dress being completely done.

After the ceremony, Jehan and I entertained our guests with our first dance, and as you can tell it is definitly not the typical style. Jehan and I wanted something unique, and that is what we received. After our first dance, we were joined by several others in bouts with the bride and groom. I must say as fun as it was, it was sure interesting fighting in that dress. I don't recommend it, but I enjoyed myself that day. Over all, my pennsic was enjoyable. I didn't attend any classes, and I did quite a bit of Marshaling (with actual marshals) during the week. I also worked in Mistress Maria's shop a little bit, and relaxed. Now its time to work on the future...future classes, future dresses, and just to the future
~Lady Antoinette deLorraine
Friday, June 28, 2013
Basic Knitting handout
This is a copy of the handout I use for the basic hand knitting I
use for teaching at SCA classes. Please use it, and remember to
cite you sources!
bind off
may be seen as Ch1, Ch2, etc.
cast on
double crochet
double-pointed needle(s)
knit 2 (stitches) tog
make one right slanting; with the tip of the left hand needle inserted from
back to front, lift the strand between the two needles onto the left hand
needle; knit through the front loop to increase one stitch
or M1L- make 1 left slanting; with the tip of the left hand needle inserted
from front to back, lift the strand between the 2 needles onto the left hand
needle; knit the strand through the back loop to increase one stitch
purl 2 (stitches) together
place marker
right side
wrong side
slip, slip, knit- slip the next 2 stitches to the right hand needle one at a
time as if to knit; return them back to left hand needle one at a timeto their
new orientation; knit them together through the back loops
yarn over; bring yarn forward (to the purl position), then place it in position
to work the next stitch. If the next stitch is to knit, bring yarn over the
needle and knit; of next stitch is to be purled, bring yarn over the needle and
then forward again to the purl position and purl.
Pot holder/arm warmer pattern
Cast on 44 stitches. Knit until desired length. Bind off.
With right side facing, sew side seam, beginning at cast on edge and ending 2
1/2 “ from bound-off edge, leaving a gap of approx 1 ½’ from thumbhole. Rejoin
yarn and sew seams to end. Weave in all ends
Works Cited:
26 Punk Knits
Hope you enjoy, and keep on Knitting!
Detached Buttonhole Embroidery Stitch
This is a copy of the handout I use for the detached buttonhole stitch I use for teaching at Embroidery classes. Please use it, and remember to cite you sources!
I will make sure to update this as I collect more information, and with better pictures
Because this stitch is not attached to anything,
it can be stuffed to give a raised appearance, or be totally cut from the
fabric to form the basis of stumpwork
The buttonhole stitch has several common
variations (blanket stitch, eyelet stitch, and the detached buttonhole)
A filling stitch with several variations (closed
buttonhole, crossed buttonhole, Buttonhole shading <top knotted buttonhole
stitch, German knotted buttonhole stitch, tailors buttonhole stitch, Armenian
edging stitch>)
![]() |
![]() |
Exploring Elizabethan Embroidery< Dorothy
Clarke (Author), Stephanie
Powell (Author)>
Hope you enjoy!
Hope you enjoy!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Here comes the Bride...part I
Well, Jehan and I have survived our first month of marriage. We were wed on May 24th, 2013 at the church I grew up in. Most of our family was in attendance, and made it very special. Sadly it was cold and slightly, rainy, but we didn't allow that to ruin it for us. Our photographer was our dear friend Jinx. I think she is so talented with photography, and was so happy she could do this for us. Our flowers were special ordered from the Rook and the Rose...we found them at the PA Renn. Faire last summer and adored their unique. The center pieces (shown below) I made from glasses I bought at the dollar tree, Easter grass from the dollar store, a piece of ribbon and a battery operated tea light. I think they turned out well, and they were pretty inexpensive.
For our honeymoon Jehan and toured Plimouth, Mass. and learned a great bit.We were able to create great memories from this day, as well as this trip. History is one thing we both love, and love to share with others. Hopefully slowly, I can share them here over time.
This coming weekend is Aethelmearc in our great shire. I will be teaching two classes, one is a detached button hole which is a stitch in embroidery and my basic knitting class from FF&F. I will also be working on new dress for Pennsic since I don't have anything to really wear. Hoping to get 5 done, but we'll see how it goes. Due to technicalities, I might not get my wedding dress done. Either way, this next wedding will still be fun, and I can't wait until it happens :). Well, better get back to work for this weekend
Your In Service,
The new Mrs. Ashley Green
For our honeymoon Jehan and toured Plimouth, Mass. and learned a great bit.We were able to create great memories from this day, as well as this trip. History is one thing we both love, and love to share with others. Hopefully slowly, I can share them here over time.
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My wedding boquet |
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our center pieces |
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our cake topper |
This coming weekend is Aethelmearc in our great shire. I will be teaching two classes, one is a detached button hole which is a stitch in embroidery and my basic knitting class from FF&F. I will also be working on new dress for Pennsic since I don't have anything to really wear. Hoping to get 5 done, but we'll see how it goes. Due to technicalities, I might not get my wedding dress done. Either way, this next wedding will still be fun, and I can't wait until it happens :). Well, better get back to work for this weekend
Your In Service,
The new Mrs. Ashley Green
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
A whirl wind of days
Well, it has been quite the busy month! I've been attempting to post for awhile now, but obviously have been having technical issues. While I do have a lot to post, I"m going to have to do several seperate posts over the next few weeks. This one is going to focus on SCAdian ideas, and hopefully the next one will OT about our wedding. Before the wedding, not much SCAdian was getting done, due to the wedding focus. My fencing dress was failed due to seam ripping so currently in between getting my Pennsic wedding dress done, and everything else, I"m attempting to have it wearable again for Bog, which is in 2 weeks. Also, the Barony of Endless Hills held an event called Bacchus. There I had the honor of Being the MITIC, or Marshal in Training in Charge....This basically means that I ran the fencing lists for the day under my marshal, Don Po.
For the event, I had the honor of creating the scroll for the Principle of a new order: "The Friends of the Barony". Everyone seemed quite happy with how it looked. Jehan and I also had the honor of becoming members of the 2nd and 3rd members of the order, and so have helped to create an order. I also made two simple scrolls for the winners of the Fencing Tournament, and also the Archery tournament.
I must say being Seneschal is keeping me very busy, but I have been finding time to do other things. Mistress Maria has me at a point where I can finish my chemise on my own, and we should be finishing the over dress this month. I am also working on teaching two classes at our upcoming summer academy at the end of this month: one is my basic knitting class I taught at FF&F, and I am also teaching a detached button hole class for embroidery. This will be my first kingdom event that I am teaching, and it is making me slightly nervous, but it should be fine. I am also still plugging away with my other embroidery projects, and am planning on making myself new garb *gasp*. I am in need of making at least 4-5 new t-tunics for pennsic this year. While they are a WAY earlier period style for me, Pennsic is 100 degree weather, and this is one event I go for coolness and comfort. I don't want my nice hot dresses getting ruined, and I don't want to overheat when I"m working for Maria. and its nice to have simple garb on hand for those lazy days of summer.
Well, for now that is all...hopefully I can post pictures soon.
Until then
For the event, I had the honor of creating the scroll for the Principle of a new order: "The Friends of the Barony". Everyone seemed quite happy with how it looked. Jehan and I also had the honor of becoming members of the 2nd and 3rd members of the order, and so have helped to create an order. I also made two simple scrolls for the winners of the Fencing Tournament, and also the Archery tournament.
I must say being Seneschal is keeping me very busy, but I have been finding time to do other things. Mistress Maria has me at a point where I can finish my chemise on my own, and we should be finishing the over dress this month. I am also working on teaching two classes at our upcoming summer academy at the end of this month: one is my basic knitting class I taught at FF&F, and I am also teaching a detached button hole class for embroidery. This will be my first kingdom event that I am teaching, and it is making me slightly nervous, but it should be fine. I am also still plugging away with my other embroidery projects, and am planning on making myself new garb *gasp*. I am in need of making at least 4-5 new t-tunics for pennsic this year. While they are a WAY earlier period style for me, Pennsic is 100 degree weather, and this is one event I go for coolness and comfort. I don't want my nice hot dresses getting ruined, and I don't want to overheat when I"m working for Maria. and its nice to have simple garb on hand for those lazy days of summer.
Well, for now that is all...hopefully I can post pictures soon.
Until then
Sunday, April 14, 2013
The speed of Life
So far when it comes to blogging, I think I am failing in my try of attempting to stay on top of it. Unfortunately, when you think you have life under control, you don't. Life has been non-stop for Jehan and I since the last time we posted.
I competed in my first Ice Dragon at the end of March, entering the above Elizabethan Pin Pillow. While I didn't place high, I did place in the middle of the pack (I believe I was #3 of 5 in scoring). For my first attempt, I don't think it was too shabby. I also entered the Fencing tourney, and did not do very well in it at all. Unfortunately due to my joint issues, traveling is not my strong point anymore. Since Ice Dragon, I have been working on some embroidery on heavy linnen that I found in a fabric stash. Its great with the designs on it. The plan is to embroider each design with different stitches on it with in several colors. I will then cut it down to make pin pillows to use for prizes and silent auction donations. I'm doing this to better my skill, and disperse some of the clutter in my house. I become a bit of a hoarder at times, and its time to start the spring cleaning.
I also am completing three scrolls that are due at the end of the month. Two are prize scrolls for tourneys that will be held at the Feast of Bacchus in the Barony of Endless Hills. The other is the Principle of the Order for the "Friends of the Hills", a new award the barony has created for those who are friends and help the Barony out. This scroll makes me nervous, and have been putting off attempting the calligraphy, since I've never done it before. But it must be done. I will not be attending our local demo (even though its my favorite of the year) due to said event: to receive my marshal warrant, I am expected to run a fencing tourney and days worth of events, so I will be there, doing my best.
And on top of all of this, I am still working on the wedding. The sensechal office, fencing, and my A&S will def. keep me busy for awhile. Hopefully I'll have more to post soon!
Always diligent,
I competed in my first Ice Dragon at the end of March, entering the above Elizabethan Pin Pillow. While I didn't place high, I did place in the middle of the pack (I believe I was #3 of 5 in scoring). For my first attempt, I don't think it was too shabby. I also entered the Fencing tourney, and did not do very well in it at all. Unfortunately due to my joint issues, traveling is not my strong point anymore. Since Ice Dragon, I have been working on some embroidery on heavy linnen that I found in a fabric stash. Its great with the designs on it. The plan is to embroider each design with different stitches on it with in several colors. I will then cut it down to make pin pillows to use for prizes and silent auction donations. I'm doing this to better my skill, and disperse some of the clutter in my house. I become a bit of a hoarder at times, and its time to start the spring cleaning.
I also am completing three scrolls that are due at the end of the month. Two are prize scrolls for tourneys that will be held at the Feast of Bacchus in the Barony of Endless Hills. The other is the Principle of the Order for the "Friends of the Hills", a new award the barony has created for those who are friends and help the Barony out. This scroll makes me nervous, and have been putting off attempting the calligraphy, since I've never done it before. But it must be done. I will not be attending our local demo (even though its my favorite of the year) due to said event: to receive my marshal warrant, I am expected to run a fencing tourney and days worth of events, so I will be there, doing my best.
And on top of all of this, I am still working on the wedding. The sensechal office, fencing, and my A&S will def. keep me busy for awhile. Hopefully I'll have more to post soon!
Always diligent,
Sunday, March 10, 2013
And the heat is on...
Well, its been a busy few weeks. Jehan and I signed our new lease, finished some more organizing (even though we have a lot more to go), and started a new Dungeons and Dragons game in Williamsport on Wednesday nights. Its nice to start gaming again, even if it means one more day a week of running to and fro. Yesterday was the St. Patty's Day parade with the Barony of Endless Hills. I have to admit the float turned out very well. If you would like to see a video of us starting out, here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtD_XDtho6g
When it comes to sewing, I've gotten a bit accomplished. I finished a fencing doublet and a T-tunic dress with surcoat done for yesterday. I also have finished my hoopskirt, and am almost done with my corset. Today I went to Mistress Maria's and she fixed my ruff debacle. I"m hoping to be able to put all of that up very soon. When it comes to my ice dragon project, that is coming along nicely as well. I have about 3 more inches to embroider and will be starting my paper this week. I've been encouraged to enter it into the heraldry, and sewing competitions as well as the embroidery, but I think I'll start with one this year...this is my "starting/ checking this out" year and I don't want to go overboard. After Ice dragon the only projects I have left are to start my prize chest and continue with my dress. Were coming down to the count when it comes to Ice dragon...so here's to the best!
When it comes to sewing, I've gotten a bit accomplished. I finished a fencing doublet and a T-tunic dress with surcoat done for yesterday. I also have finished my hoopskirt, and am almost done with my corset. Today I went to Mistress Maria's and she fixed my ruff debacle. I"m hoping to be able to put all of that up very soon. When it comes to my ice dragon project, that is coming along nicely as well. I have about 3 more inches to embroider and will be starting my paper this week. I've been encouraged to enter it into the heraldry, and sewing competitions as well as the embroidery, but I think I'll start with one this year...this is my "starting/ checking this out" year and I don't want to go overboard. After Ice dragon the only projects I have left are to start my prize chest and continue with my dress. Were coming down to the count when it comes to Ice dragon...so here's to the best!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
One more rotation around the sun...
Well, today is a big day. Today is my 25th birthday. I wasn't originally going to post on this, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought about it, I figured why not. For some reason, this birthday has bothered me more then the others. I"m assuming its because I've left the "college kid" zone. I've been working at the nursing home for a little over a year, I've graduated from college almost a year and a half ago, and Jehan and I are planning both of our weddings. Its a lot going on. I will say the best part of this day is the simple thought that its also Fat Tuesday. This is one of my favorite days of the year, simply due to my love of Fasnachts. They are a German Doughnut traditionally made from potatoes, and instead of frying them in vegetable oil, or sunflower seed oil, you bake them in lard. Yes its incredibly horrible for you, but one never hurt anything.
In other news, I have made a lot of progress on my Pennsic wedding dresss. Maria and I have finished the hoopskirt, I just have to add the bum roll, I have my pearls and garnets for my jewelry, complete the underskirt and we are working on my corset. The next item on the list is finishing my corset, and starting the Chemise. At that point my undergarments will be finished, and I can work on the rest of the dress. Hopefully when I come to my parents house in the next few weeks, I can post pictures of the progress. Till then
Wishing everyone a fun Mardi Gras, and Valentines day!
In other news, I have made a lot of progress on my Pennsic wedding dresss. Maria and I have finished the hoopskirt, I just have to add the bum roll, I have my pearls and garnets for my jewelry, complete the underskirt and we are working on my corset. The next item on the list is finishing my corset, and starting the Chemise. At that point my undergarments will be finished, and I can work on the rest of the dress. Hopefully when I come to my parents house in the next few weeks, I can post pictures of the progress. Till then
Wishing everyone a fun Mardi Gras, and Valentines day!
Monday, January 21, 2013
More snowy day's of winter...
Well, here in Danville, Pa it is quite cold. I"m actually sitting at the local library watching it snow. Whats worse, is its supposed to get even colder. Due to being cold blooded, I don't survive in the cold well. Luckly, I"m able to keep our apartment very warm, and I am still able to get things accomplished. In the past few weeks since I've last published a few bits and pieces have been started. We are still helping Jehan's parents move, but this seems to be an ongoing project that will be done by the end of the month. I am currently working on a white snood to go with my lavender and silver Italian ren. gown that i was given for christmas a few years back, and I am still working on my ice dragon entry. I am also trying to organize our house, and fix our *slight* hording issue. I think the biggest accomplishment it once again recieving the acorn from the shire at our local 12th night.Since we are a shire, and are not allowed to hand out major awards like a barony or a kingdom, we hand out tokens to show our appreciation to shire members. The Acorn is an award for service in the shire. Also on that day, I stepped up as our local Seneshal, and will be holding that position for the next two years. This will be a lot for me to handle, and I am very lucky to have such a supportive shire behind me.
On the Elizabethan front, I have been working on my pin pillow which I will enter into Ice dragon this year. In the Kingdom of AEthelmearc, it is the largest Arts and Science event around. This week I have to start on my research paper and work on the project as well. With how cold it is, I'm also hoping to complete my spanish farthengale, and next week my Elizabethan corset. My dear friend Mistress Maria is helping me create a mid-Elizabethan cranberry dress for our Pennsic wedding. Hopefully I can have pictures of all these projects the next time I am able to write to all of you.
Until then, I"ll keep warm, and keep on working
On the Elizabethan front, I have been working on my pin pillow which I will enter into Ice dragon this year. In the Kingdom of AEthelmearc, it is the largest Arts and Science event around. This week I have to start on my research paper and work on the project as well. With how cold it is, I'm also hoping to complete my spanish farthengale, and next week my Elizabethan corset. My dear friend Mistress Maria is helping me create a mid-Elizabethan cranberry dress for our Pennsic wedding. Hopefully I can have pictures of all these projects the next time I am able to write to all of you.
Until then, I"ll keep warm, and keep on working
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